Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


I radiatori di design Vasco combinano efficienza e funzionalità ad un design senza tempo, ricco di stile e bello da vedere, ridotti all’essenza, per adattarsi a qualsiasi interno.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Con BREM, il calorifero non é più solo un oggetto che riscalda, ma diventa un vero e proprio complemento di arredo, capaci di adeguarsi alle esigenze dell’ambiente e di chi lo vive.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Tubes Radiatori Know-how tecnologico e tecnico … epoca in cui il concetto di calorifero d’arredamento era agli esordi.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Glass idromassaggio

Nessun posto è come casa: condividi i tuoi momenti di relax solo con chi vuoi tu.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Globo ceramiche

Una storia di successi, centrati sulla valorizzazione delle risorse umane e su un equilibrato rapporto con l’ambiente, assoluto rilievo nel comparto igienico-sanitario e dell’arredo bagno.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


il bagno come luogo piacevole, un’estetica accattivante e fortemente versatile,  elementi modulari e molteplici soluzioni… un alto grado di personalizzazione.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Linee innovative in soluzioni pratiche e funzionali.

Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


rubinetti di ogni forme, design innovativi con luci ed elettronica


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


attenzione artigianale, ricerca estetica e competenze realizzative, da oltr 40 anni, dà vita a prodotti esclusivi, autenticamente made in Italy


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Newform il design è un valore assoluto, la funzionalità si trasforma in simbolo estetico e le rubinetterie si elevano a complementi di arredo che rispecchiano una scelta di gusto, quasi un’espressione di personalità.
