Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Globo ceramiche

Una storia di successi, centrati sulla valorizzazione delle risorse umane e su un equilibrato rapporto con l’ambiente, assoluto rilievo nel comparto igienico-sanitario e dell’arredo bagno.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


sanitari di varie forme e materiali per soddisfare il cliente


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


La capacità di dare forma alla ceramica e trasformarla in lavabi e sanitari dallo stile unico e inconfondibile


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Azzurra Ceramica

Artigianalità avanzata orientata verso il futuro
