Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Impronta italgraniti

Il Gruppo Italgraniti, sempre aggiornato sulle tendenze del mercato, offre una gamma completa di prodotti per pavimenti e rivestimenti di alta qualità, in grado di soddisfare e anticipare qualsiasi esigenza estetica e tecnica.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.

Marca Corona

Estetica, resistenza, versatilità e sostenibilità le Ceramiche di Sassuolo firmate Marca Corona.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Il marchio conosciuto come “la ceramica della Costa Smeralda” eccellenza italiana … colori solari degli smalti, le raffinate decorazioni.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Scopri tutta la versatilità dei formati e la gamma colore dei prodotti CE.SI.


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Piastrelle smaltate, piastrelle tutta massa, piastrelle rettificate e di grande formato… Ceramica Vogue, solo piastrelle italiane!


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


ridurre al minimo impatto ambientale e l’utilizzare di materie prime selezionate


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Nuove idee alla ricerca della loro espressione più contemporanea


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


un marchio storico del gres, rivestimenti indoor e outdoor tutta massa dalla vocazione architettonica…


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Qualità assoluta nelle piu svariate dimensioni e di tecniche avanzate di produzione


Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.


Pavimenti e rivestimenti di dimensioni notevoli e rettificate…
